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Abstract : Introduction: PPE includes gloves, medical masks, goggles or a face shield, and gowns, as well as for specific procedures, respirators (i.e., N95 or Filtering Face-piece type 2-FFP2 standard or equivalent) and aprons. precautions are required by healthcare workers to protect themselves and prevent transmission in the healthcare setting. Materials & Methods: The questions were based on about personal protective equipment’s and the guidelines related to the same which have been issued by Ministry of health and family welfare, India. Questions were in and open-ended format and in English language for medical doctors and in local languages for nurses, paramedical staff and the ASHA health care workers. The survey was sent by email as well as WhatsApp mobile application to the survey participants. Results: Among respondents, 86% reported knowing when their patients had been placed on droplet (respiratory) precautions, with significantly more physicians (i.e., house-staff, faculty, and fellows) than nurses and paramedical staff, knowing when precautions had been instituted.12% of the survey participants indicated a higher level of respiratory protection. Conclusion: To have an appreciable impact on patient and provider safety, efforts to improve PPE adherence and effectiveness must address both organizational factors associated with safety climate and knowledge barriers among clinicians.