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Abstract : Nursing planning often problematic due to incomplete and inconsistent records, this can lead to a decline in nursing quality. Before and after giving advice methods of conducting research is an action research where a test is conducted before giving advice after completing the test. Pre and post test on administration of advice on nursing planning and give a manual to study for a period of one week. After that, repeat the same knowledge test. The population is 30 obstetrics and genecology nurses. The tool is a personal data questionnaire and knowledge quizzes to answer questions before and after giving advice is an example situation. The ten research tool was to provide guidance using the conceptual framework of Bloom, Taxonomy and Gordon's Manual of Nursing Diagnostics and nursing diagnosis based on individual response Nanda Taxonomy I Revised 1992 and nursing planning. The tool quality was analyzed by 3 experts, the content validity of the instrument was checked by the Content Validity Index of .86, and tested on 10 similar samples, and the validity of the instrument was analyzed with KR20 at .90. Statistics were analyzed by number and percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test parried sample. The results after the referral showed that the nurses' knowledge of nursing planning (x̄8.34S.D = .67) was significantly higher than before the recommendation at the p.05 level to the provision of advice and preparation of nursing diagnostic manuals, nursing planning and nursing records makes to increase skills in nursing diagnosis nursing plan and better nursing records, resulting in continuous improvement of nursing quality.