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Abstract : Background: Incorrect inhaler use is very common and this subsequently leads to poor asthma control. Pharmacist can have a positive impact on patient’s education about proper inhaler technique that can lead to a significant improvement of asthma management. Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pharmacist education program on inhaler technique of asthmatic patients. Patients and Methods: the present study is prospective cohort study of 51 patients with asthma, divided into two groups, study (intervention) group include 26 patients that faced to pharmacist intervention and control group include 25 patients. Patients who using metered dose inhaler or turbuhaler collected from 5 community pharmacies located in diverse areas of Thi-Qar governorate [Nasiriya, Suq Al-Shoyokh and Al Eslah cities]. The inhaler technique was evaluated using standardized checklists of the proper administration of metered dose inhaler MDIs and turbuhaler. Patients within a study group were face to education about inhaler technique by demonstration and re demonstration education. After baseline session for both groups, inhaler technique was reassessed after 4 weeks (Post). Results: a total of 51 (35 on turbuhaler and 16 on MDI) patients were involved in this study. At baseline session of assessment for both groups (study and control), a high rate of incorrect performance of inhalation technique was recorded. After intervention for study group, the median value for correct inhaler use was increased significantly (of 3.5 (basic) to 7 (Post), p>0.05, for MDI and of 4 (basic) to 7 (Post), p>0.05, for turbuhaler) while no significant change for control group. The average counseling time was 15 minutes for education session. Conclusion: Asthmatic patients in Thi-Qar governorate area have poor inhalation technique of MDI and turbuhaler. The present study showed that a pharmacist education program led to improve inhalation technique significantly. Our model of pharmacist education program should be considered as effective choice for asthmatic patient’s management and best utilization of human resources in health care system, especially in country like Iraq.