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Abstract : Background: Infertility is a worldwide public health issue, defined as the inability to conceive pregnancy within one year despite regular unprotected intercourse. Objectives: This study aims to determine the risk factors associated with secondary infertility in females attending the outpatient clinic at Obstetrics and Gynaecology teaching hospital in Karbala. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted involving the women who attended the infertility unit in the obstetric and gynaecological teaching hospital in Karbala Governorate for infertility evaluation and treatment. among 400 respondents aged 18-45 years. the survey was conducted from March 2022 to May 2022 using a self-administrated structured questionnaire in Karbala province which is located in central Iraq. Result: Regarding the risk factor of secondary infertility about 48% of the participants reported using contraception, 24.7% of the participants used oral contraceptive pills and about 12.3% of them used injectable type for more than one year. other risk factors of secondary infertility about 44.3% had irregularity of menstrual cycle, 43% had abnormal vaginal discharge, 30% had consanguinity,24% had dysmenorrhea,22% had pcos,15.5% had tubal blockage,15.5% had pelvic inflammatory disease, 4.5% had premature ovarian failure,3% had uterine fibroid,5% had D.M, 5% had HTN. Conclusions: Generally, the finding of the study showed that significant association between body mass index of patients, ectopic Pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, family history of secondary infertility, premature ovarian failure (POF) and age groups. Keywords: secondary infertility, risk factors, females.