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Abstract : Human monkeypox is a zoonotic orthopoxvirus with symptoms similar to smallpox. Monkeypox spreads accidentally to people when they come in contact with sick animals. According to the reports, the infection can also be transmitted via physical contact (sexual or skin-to-skin), respiratory droplets, or via fomites such as towels and bedding. Multiple medical countermeasures are on hand; While most incidences of monkeypox is a minor and self-limiting disease that can be treated with supportive care and antivirals (e.g., tecovirimat), JYNNEOSTM, ACAM2000® and replication inept vaccinia virus which were originally designed for smallpox are also affective towards monkeypox. More effective, treatments include brincidofovir (cidofovir) and vaccinia immune globulin intravenous (VIGIV). Antivirals can be considered in severe disease, immunocompromised individuals, pediatrics, pregnant and breastfeeding women, complex lesions, especially when lesions occur around the mouth, eyes, or genitals. The goal of this brief overview is to detail each of these countermeasures. Following two instances of monkeypox virus infection in people returning from Nigeria to the United States, one in Texas (July 2021) and the other in the Washington, DC region (November 2021), the number of monkeypox infections has skyrocketed.